Can you help 'Cook For Good'?
What’s going on in the neighbourhood? Browse here for the latest news from the BID and your community.
Can you help 'Cook For Good'?
Businesses - get arty for National Illustration Day
Details released for local parade
Madam Mayor attends cracker-stuffing drive
New acts confirmed for festive celebration
Anti-Apartheid Legacy: Centre of Memory and Learning breaks ground
Pull together with our winter cracker appeal
Could you be a Fairy Godmother?
Save the date for 'Glow in the Angel'
Angel Canal Festival success
What FREE event will you try for Angel Loves Summer 2024?
Community gathers on Islington Green for Armed Forces Day
Get involved with Central London Refugee Job Fair
Could you host an 'Angel Loves Summer' event?
Enter by Friday, June 7, for a chance to be crowned 'Best Blooming Business' in this year's Islington in Bloom awards.
Fancy £100 for telling us about your favourite spots in the Angel? We’re looking for Community Reviewers to submit short features about where they love eating, shopping and chilling in the Angel. If your review is chosen we’ll give you £100 as a thank you.
Stay up-to-date with the latest events, openings and offers in the Angel as well as news from the Business Improvement District.